[Title: Savouring the weaves of सोरकूल (Sorkul) theory:

anti-caste queer feminist portals to (un)archive the buried dalit her/his/their/it-stories]

Bibliography and references -

Ambedkar B. R., Annihilation of Caste (1936), Dr. Ambedkar Writing and speeches, Education of Dept. Govt. of Maharashtra, 1979

Arya S., Rathore A. S., Dalit Feminist Theory: A Reader, Routledge India, 2019

Baum F., MacDougall C., Smith D., Participatory action research, Research Gate, 2006

Freire P., Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Sheed & Ward, United Kingdom, 1972, Pedagogy of Hope, The Continuum Publishing Company, New York, 1994

Gipson F., Women’s Work: From Feminine arts to feminist art, Frances Lincoln, London, 2022

hooks b., Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism, Pluto Press, United Kingdom, 1982

Kawlra A., The Question of Women and Craft, Pre and Post, De/ Anti/ Post colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Crafts, KT Press, London 2023 

Lorde A., Sister Outsider, Penguin Modern Classic, New York, 1984

Mandloi S., Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Mahar Watan: Quest for Socio Economic Emancipation of Mahars, Vidyasagar University, 2020  

Manoharan K. R., ‘Debrahminizing Decolonization: Imagining a New Curriculum’, All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis, 2020

Haraway D., Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, Durhan and London, 2016

Le Guin U. K., The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, In Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places, 1989

Patole S., अन्न हे अपूर्न ब्रह्म (Marathi), Janashakti Wachak Chalval, 2018. Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada (English translation by Bhushan Korgaonkar), HarperCollins Publishers India, 2024

Pan A., Mapping Dalit Feminism: Towards an Intersectional Standpoint, Sage Publication, India, 2021

Pawar U., Aaidan (Marathi), Granthali Publication, Mumbai, 2003

Phule J., Tritya Ratna (1855), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Pune, 2018

Rege S., Dalit Studies as Pedagogical Practice, Chennai, 2006

Rendell J., Critical Spatial Practice, London, 2013

Olufemi L., Experiments in Imagining otherwise, Hajar Press, London, 2021

Sinha M., Specters of Mother India, Duke University Press, Durham and London 2006

Soundarajan T., The Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition, The Final Frontier: The Imaginary, North Atlantic Books, California, 2022

Tsing A., The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015

Tuhiwai Smith L., Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, Zed Books, (1st Ed. 1999), London and New York, 2012

Wynter S. Ed. by Anthony Bogues, Caribbean Reasonings, After Man, Towards the Human: Critical Essays on Sylvia Wynter, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Miami, 2006

Yengde S., What and Who Is Art For? A New Generation of Dalit Artists Have Some Answers, Art Review, 2024

Contextual Review:


- Bourgeois Louise, The Destruction of the Father, 1974

- Goody Rajashree, Eat With Great Delight, 2018

- Raju Rege, I have Eaten It, Performance and publication, Open Space, 2022


- Mani Sajan, Unlearning Lessons from My Father, 2020

- Matta Vamsi Sri, Come Eat With Me, 2022

- Singh Ayesha and Jyothidas K.V., Ingredients of Encounter: A participatory performance, Van Gogh Res, 2022


- Archiving Labour, Spaces, Chennai, 2018

- Labour of Protesting: anti-caste lineage, Godhadi, Ladder Space, Copenhagen, 2023

- The Politics of Skin and Movement, Amol K. Patil, Hayward Gallery, London, 2023

- Radical Kitchen 2018, The Serpentine Gallery, London, 2018

- Wake up calls for my Ancestors, Oyoun, Berlin, 2022

- Spatial Imagination, Entwistle Gallery, London, 2003

- Recipes for Resistance, S Khan, Jasleen Kaur, Navi Kaur, Yas Lime and Raju Rege, Ort Gallery, Birmingham, 2021

Participatory Workshops and talks:

- Collective Voice, Maternal Fantasies, 2021

- Vijeta VJ and Siddiqui A., ‘Anti-Caste Anti-Fascist Pedagogies; Debrahminising and Decolonising Education’, Goldsmiths University, Insurgent Knowledges, 2023

- Lehmann A S., Object Biography: The life of a concept, Brad Graduate Research Forum, 2021

- The Supper Club, Arawelo Eats, Fozia Ismail, 2020